Education for the Disadvantaged. ERIC Collection, 1967-1970

Repository: Archives & Special Collections, Charles Evans Inniss Memorial Library of Medgar
Evers College, CUNY
Location: CEIML ASPC, Suite 0108
Identifier: EFD
Collection Title: Education for the Disadvantaged. ERIC Collection, 1967-1970
Name of Creator(s): The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Inclusive Dates: 1967-1970
Language(s): English
Quantity: 64 boxes

This collection consists of 64 boxes that contain publications, articles, papers, accession sheets,
catalog cards. There are 43 (##1-41B) boxes containing publications/papers. ERIC arranged the
publications by accession number. Boxes ##42-52 contain accession sheets. Boxes ##53-62
contain 3×5 index cards arranged by Author, Institution (as publisher), Title, and Subject.

The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a federally funded nationwide information system established to provide easy access to information about education research. ERIC offers educators and researchers a single source through which they can identify and obtain copies of education related documents, articles, books, monographs, tests, manuals and handbooks, bibliographies, statistical reports, conference papers, dissertations and theses, historical materials, yearbooks, and translations. ERIC’s mission is to improve American learning, teaching, and educational decision making by facilitating access to helpful educational research and information. (…) ERIC is supported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and is administered by the National Library of Education. Unlike most federal information systems, in which all activities are conducted under one roof with centralized control, ERIC conducts much of its document processing and dissemination activities at decentralized and relatively autonomous clearinghouses. The ERIC network consists of sixteen main clearinghouses, nine adjunct clearinghouses, one affiliate clearinghouse, and three support components. ERIC’s clearinghouses and components are located at various sites around the country. Most clearinghouses are associated with a college or university.
Each of ERIC’s sixteen main clearinghouses is responsible for the collection, processing, and dissemination of documents in a specific topic or field of education research. ERIC clearinghouses include, for example, the Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education at the Ohio State University; the Clearinghouse on Information and Technology at Syracuse University in New York; the Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana; and the Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education at Indiana University. ERIC clearinghouses also respond to requests for information and produce publications on current research and practices in their designated subject area. The nine adjunct clearinghouses are associated with one of the sixteen larger ERIC clearinghouses and have similar responsibilities. (…)
ERIC was created in 1966 as the Educational Research Information Center by the United States Office of Education; a year later its name was changed by substituting “Resources” for “Research” (the acronym remained ERIC) because ERIC had grown into a national education information system of service to educators and researchers.
(Burchinal, L. G., & Culligan, J. J. (2002). Educational Resources Information Center. In J. W. Guthrie (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Education (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 683-684). New York: Macmillan)

This collection originated at one of the clearinghouses affiliated with Teachers College, Columbia University (directors Edmund Gordon, Erwin Flaxman), which was responsible for Urban Education. Materials research the educational problems of the disadvantaged child and discuss ways of dealing with them.

The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)

Acquisition Information: This collection was acquired from The Schomburg Center for
Research in Black Culture in 2015.
Conditions of Access and Use: Access to the collection is unrestricted. It is available for
research purposes. Duplication of the collection may be governed by copyright and other
Physical Access: Appointment is required for access.

The contents are arranged by ERIC accession number.

The full contents description for the 43 boxes (##1-41b) containing publications and papers can be found here.